Saturday, May 19, 2007

Congratulations Malcolm!!!

First Place at the Kahuna Beach Surf Competitions!

And super duper just congratulation to Flynn!!!! Right on Malcom's ass. And I get to make a big damn deal about it, cause it's my blog and I can. :)

Final standings:

1. Malcolm Sydney,
2. Flynn Sheridan,
3. Kimmy Leroux,
4. Yoofaloof Pacer
5. Rani Decosta, Thor Bishop
7. Frankie Miles
8. Craig Stallion
9. SamyJo Ah
10. Tabby Babii
11. DeVinna Toll
12. Creed Lisle
13. Requiem Theriac
14. Seano Osumi
15. Pablitin Couffer
16. Mishy Damask, Gypsie Summers
18. Cierra Theriac
19. Aries Ashton

amazingly I did not come in last. How the hell that happened I have no idea. I caught one wave. One.

My one thought for the day... Karma baby, karma!

more pics to come :)
Party On!

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